Michele L. Cole, LCSW- NY, NJ, Founder and Director of The Family Building Support Center, LLC., is a clinical social worker with over twelve years of experience in the field of mental health as a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and associate clinical director, in private and community practice. She works with adults, children, adolescents, couples and families. Ms. Cole is a current member of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine’s Mental Health Professional Group, RESOLVE, The National Infertility Association , Concerned Persons for Adoption and The Adoptive Parents Committee. In addition to working with prospective parents around infertility, assisted and third party reproduction, adoption and family life issues, other areas of clinical focus include the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders, women’s issues, trauma and working with grief, bereavement and attachment issues. Ms. Cole currently serves as Compliance Officer at The Fifth Avenue Counseling Center, Inc., a community mental health center in New York City where she has held the positions of Associate Clinical Director, Clinical Supervisor and Psychotherapist. She previously maintained a private practice in New York City and has worked as an individual and group counselor for survivors of The September 11th tragedy. Ms. Cole received her Masters of Social Work degree from City University of New York’s Hunter College. Prior to her work in the mental health field, she was a broadcast news journalist and adjunct professor of television production and writing. She was also President and Founder of Careers On Site, Inc., a career education and mentoring program for teens.